
How to subscribe:

You can become a member of L'Albero di Yoshua Association sending an email to:

The annual Fee is 10€ and can be sent through wire transfer to:

C/C 306122/28 presso Cariparma, Agenzia B, Via Roma - Piacenza
codice IBAN: IT33B0623012605000030612228



Each member receives a personal card.

Our Association is no profit. It is sustained by subscription fees, offers and donations. 


Why become a member:

To support Francesca Lipeti activities in her quest for human rights. Her commitment on the front line and example are a call to us all.


For information, contact us at :

L’albero di Yoshua ODV

Via Lama, n°50  Gossolengo  -PC-  (Italy)

C.F. 91098510331


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