Francesca Lipeti

Francesca Lipeti, from Piacenza, Italy, Md, post graduate in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine – University of Liverpool, England, since 1994 has been working relentlessly as a lay missionary doctor in Kenya to help and support Maasai people and other communities  in their great hardships.

From 1995 to 2004, she was the doctor in charge at the Health Centre in Lengesim, a remote village in the savannah,  a 5 hours drive South West from the capital Nairobi. 

For her commitment, she was awarded the Peace Prize Livia Cagnani by the Province of Piacenza in 2004 and the Angil Dal Dom Prize by Fondazione Piacenza e Vigevano in 2006, a Prize that is usually assigned to citizens from Piacenza who distinguish themselves in humanitarian activities around the world. 

On 17 October 2009 she was awarded the Prize Cuore Amico by the Association Cuore Amico Fraternità Onlus in Brescia, the Nobel Prize for Italian missionaries. 

In 2015, she moved to Ilbissil, a township in Kenya at the border with Tanzania.  Up to date, she is works as a doctor at Yoshua Clinic and she is promoting activities in support of women, children, disabled and youth.

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