
In this page we describe L’albero di Yoshua Onlus's PRIVACY POLICY with reference to the treatment of personal data belonging to those who gave them to .
In accordance with the art. 13 of the Decree n° 196/2003 this information note is given to those who deal with 's Web services. The information note also refers to the Advice n. 2/2001, which the European authorities for the protection personal data - gathered in a Group defined by the art. 29 of the Directive n. 95/46/CE- adopted on 17th May 2001 in order to define the basic characteristics for the collection of personal data on-line, and, in particular, the conditions, the timing and the typology of information to be given by the regular holders to the users, when the users connect to a web site, apart from the aims of the connection.
The information note is given just for the site and not for the other sites visited through links.

All data given to L’albero di Yoshua Onlus are treated mainly through automatized systems, and just for the specified aims and for the time necessary to reach the aim for which they have been collected.
We follow specific security measures in order to avoid the loss of data, illicit or not correct use or not authorised access.

L’albero di Yoshua Onlus

The people, who the personal data owned by L’albero di Yoshua Onlus refer to, have the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence of these data whenever they want, to know their content and origin, to verify their exactitude or to ask for their updating, correction or integration (art. 7 of Decree n° 196/2003).
According to the same Decree the user has the right to ask for the cancellation, the transformation into anonymous form or the stop of all data treated against the law, and also to oppose, in any case, for lawful reasons, to their treatment.
The requests must be addressed to the Regular Holder or, in preference, to the Man in Charge.


Surfing data
The informatic systems and the software procedures for the running of this web site acquire, during their normal activity, some personal data, whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
These information are collected not to be associated with the identified users, but which, for their nature, could, through elaboration and association with data owned by others, permit to identify the users.
In this category are the IP addresses, the dominion names of the computers used to connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the required resources, the time of the request, the method used to make the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained as answer, the code indicating the type of answer given by the server (good result, error etc.), and other data referring to the operative system and to the informatic environment of the user.
These data are used just to obtain anonymous statistic information about the use of the site and to control its running.
Data about the web connections don't stay more than 7 days; also in accordance to the Art.3 of DLgs n. 196/03 (necessity principle) only the information referring to IP address, not including statistic aims, can be kept for a longer period, in order to verify responsibilities in case of eventual informatic crimes or of damage to the site.

Data freely given by the user
The free sending of e-mails to the addresses shown in this site, involves the acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to answer to his requests, and of all personal data put in the letter.

No personal data is acquired by the site.
We don't use cookies to transmit personal information, and we don't use persistent c.d. cookies, that's to say user tracing systems, of any kind.
The use of session c.d. cookies (which are not memorized persistently on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (formed by random numbers generated by the server) necessary in order to assure the safe and effective surfing of the site.
The session c.d. cookies used in this site avoid the use of other informatic techniques, which could menace the privacy of the surfing and could prevent the acquisition of the user's personal data.

The giving of data is optional, but could be necessary to obtain technical information about products or services: in this case it is necessary to give personal data in the form.
If you don't give these data it could be impossible to obtain what required. With reference to the collection of data on the web site (for ex..: service registration form, data given in order to obtain information about products), we give the link to the information about the treatment in each form.

The surfing on the site is free, costless and the registration is not compulsory.
The surfing of those who don't register is not controlled, nor with reference to the sites of provenance, neither with reference to the pages visited, if not as provided in the paragraph "surfing data".

It is necessary to register in order to register in the Newsletter, that's to say to receive information about the events and news of L’albero di Yoshua Onlus's activity.
The surfing with registration is not controlled, nor with reference to the sites of provenance, neither with reference to the pages visited.

All data will be used for aims concerning the normal running of L’albero di Yoshua Onlus's activities, including commercial communications and marketing communications.
If not clearly indicated on the information notes referred to each treatment, the personal data won't be communicated to others or put into circulation. In this case we ask for agreement.

L’albero di Yoshua ODV

Via Lama, n°50  Gossolengo  -PC-  (Italy)

C.F. 91098510331


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