About us

The Albero di Yoshua Association is a no profit voluntary based organization, according to Law 266/91 and the Regional Law 12/05, that joins together people who share friendship and appreciation for dr. Lipeti's activities.

The aims of the Association are as follows:

  • to organize fund raisings and collection of goods for the support of needy  people in Africa;
  • to plan projects and organize activities that promote and sustain development of local communities in Ilbissil;
  • to promote and organize events and meetings to increase awareness about African and Kenyan culture, opportunities, development. 
  • Specifically we sustain projects in favor of Maasai people.

L’albero di Yoshua ODV

Via Lama, n°50  Gossolengo  -PC-  (Italy)

C.F. 91098510331


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